Pinups on the wall? How about your clothes? Get the Custom pin-up costumes!
Pinups on the wall? How about your clothes? Get the Custom pin-up costumes!
Pin-up is a model whose mass-produced pictures see wide appeal as popular culture. Pin-ups are intended for informal display, i.e. meant to be “pinned-up” on a wall. Pin-up models may be glamour models, fashion models, or actors. The term pin-up may refer to drawings, paintings, and other illustrations as well as photographs. The term was first attested to in English in 1941; however, the practice is documented back at least to the 1890s.

During the world war times, the American soldiers printed the pin-up lady on their plane, just to cheer them up, eventually, it had become an art culture. It’s not just for fun, also, the pin-up ladies actually cheered them up. So if the guys are so fascinated about the pin-up ladies, why don’t you get one for yourself, it may inspire you and cheer you up too.
I bet all the girls around the world knows who she is, yes her name is Marilyn Monroe, the hottest girl in the whole world, even she is long gone, but we still see her as the sexiest woman, men all love her, women all wanna be her. Her lips are exquisite, with a sexy dot next to her little nose. Her eyes are always shining, always classic and sexy. Get this one for you, not only because it’s Monroe, but also everyone will like your taste. go get one now!

The Independence Day is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. There will be a parade going on the street, everybody is gathered together to attend this incredible moment in history. This girl must be the parade cheerleader, the American flag covered her body, and her curves and her edges are absolutely fabulous. If you are from America, you should wear this when the Fourth of July coming! Personalized Print. Free Shipping. Incomparable soft, comfortable and durable. You’ll be satisfied, we guarantee you.

This smoking captain is smoking hot am I right? With rose decorated on her ears, the stem with thorns is surrounding her hair, she is so gorgeous, but she is so cool, lighting a cigarette and wear the captain hat, looking back, with blood on her body and a few tears on her cheek. I mean, how sexy and cool is that? You’ve got to have this in your closet! Fairly produced by Thermal Transfer Technology, optimized for beautiful brilliance across all printing methods. So you can trust the quality, we have sizes for XS to 3XL, so you don’t need to worry about your size either. 50% off, it’s so cheap and it’s free shipping! So, why don’t you get one for now?
If you want to look for some more pin-up hotties, check our links down below, there’s more for you to find!
Pin Up Custom Costumes